james reid is on air
James Reid celebrates Air Max with Nike on ZALORA.

As the gloom of an overcast sky fades away and rain clouds roll over to their next destination, the warmth of the sun presents itself as we meet James Reid once more. Four years after his first feature on ZALORA’s /covers, James has established himself even further in the music industry and more so in the world of fashion. Knowing how much of a household name he had already been, you may consider this a mighty feat.

With James ready on set, the world provides us with a backdrop of a bright blue sky, and so we begin. Watching as he sets the standard for everyone’s jump shots with his clothes riding on the breeze, we’re reminded of what it is that made him so popular from the very beginning; an aura that says he’s calm, cool, and collected– yes, even as he bounces on a trampoline.

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We may reminisce on how he began– how he became James Reid if you will– though we can see the growth in him too, evident from his music to his taste. “My fashion changes with me. I’ve changed a lot over the years and my fashion sense has too.” James, as we’ve put in the past, has many layers to his style. The one most recently revealed shows us cropped shirts and jackets in order to complete a boxy look, while taking to pleated trousers for a smart touch. He’s been quite experimental with these changes, and cites several influences for what he’s seen. “I’m heavily influenced by other artists that I follow, as well as my girlfriend Issa [Pressman], who’s had a huge influence on me when it comes to that,” he explains

All of these developments in his personal style still stay true to who he is. “Style is your personality, it’s your creativity,” he tells us. It’s quite an intimate discovery of who you’re becoming yet still innately you. “The best way to describe it, as someone who’s very stylish once told me, is that you can buy fashion but style is something you’re born with.”

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As we’ve seen in his fashion week adventures ranging from Milan to Paris– a trip that inspired him to one day possibly start his own clothing line by the way!– James’ new look is a hybrid of his favorite personal effects styled quite differently from the traditionally boyish silhouettes we may have seen from him a decade ago. “I like a lot of androgynous silhouettes. You know, mixing very masculine and feminine cuts.” It’s a modernized point of view, yet somehow simultaneously vintage considering the signature styles of music legends such as Prince or David Bowie. Coupled with James’ preference of classic to retro looks, perhaps he can follow in their fashionable footsteps.

Delving more into the star’s personal life, we find out his current priorities. “The most important thing in my life is love. My friends, family, my loved ones. I think that’s the thing that is most important to me,” an endearing sentiment which of course led to a collective awe from the team surrounding us, making James smile.

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Of course, James collectively loves his fans as well, having amassed millions of them since the turn of the last decade. When asked if he thinks these fans know who he truly is, James was a house with glass walls; completely visible for anybody to peek into. Believing that the public perception of who he is matches with his personal view, he tells us how he’s always been quite clear, “I think people see me as a very laid back and happy person. I don’t think there’s anything else because I think that’s really who I am.” .

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Always on the go, it takes more than an energy drink to keep James moving– granted, those jump shots did have him chugging one down afterwards. It takes creativity and inspiration to fuel his drive, “There’s something so satisfying in creating something new, exploring, and trying new things that scare me.” It’s this mindset that keeps him excited about the future, “I love taking risks because that’s when you see new things.”

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On the topic of bright blue beginnings, James shares his excitement about what’s to come for the rest of the year, “This is gonna be a very big year for me. I’ve been in the studio, I’ve been working on another album which is coming out soon.” Apart from his role in leading Careless and the release of his upcoming album, James cements his multi-hyphenate status by letting us in on his upcoming plans and projects, “We also have a film that’s in the works, we’ll see if that’s coming out this year or next. I’d also love more adventures in fashion!” The day may have started off with rain, but we’re in luck, we thought to ourselves, as the turn of the weather seemed to have been a sign of good things to come.

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Photography by Artu Nepomuceno
Creative Direction by Eugene David
Styling by John Lozano
Grooming by Mac Igarta
Set Design Justine Arcega-Bumanlag
Words by Ralph Desiderio
Video by Alivve
Produced by Bea Jocom
Sittings Editor Vince Flores
AIr Max from Nike